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Nest launches public awareness campaign on auto-enrolment
The National Employment Savings Trust (NEST) has unveiled its national campaign to raise awareness of auto-enrolment.
Nest will start in October for the largest companies first and affect 10 million people.
Findings from Nest research of 1,847 employees show lack of knowledge is the main reason people have not saved into a pension rather than unwillingness.
Some 71 per cent said they have not saved enough as they don’t want to make the wrong decision while 47 per cent say they don’t know what their best option would be.
When told of the reforms, 63 per cent said auto-enrolment was a good idea and only 16 per cent said they would definitely opt out. Over three quarters of people said they would like knowing they had something put aside while 67 per cent said they would be relieved they could stop worrying about lack of preparation.
As a result, Nest has created a campaign on the premise of ‘tomorrow worth saving for’ to help make pensions relevant to peoples’ lives today.
Consumers will be asked ‘what do you do now that you will still want to do when you’re older?’ and be invited to reply via social media. They will also be asked to comment on draft adverts Nest has created.
Tim Jones, Nest chief executive, said: “Too many people are putting off setting money aside for their later lives because they don’t know what to do or don’t want to think about retirement.
“Our campaign aims to help consumers put pensions into the context of the lives they live today and kick-start a national conversation about what makes ‘tomorrow worth saving for’ in their lives.”
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