Four new board members have been announced for the Institute of Financial Planning at the AGM today.
Taking place at the IFP Annual Conference in South Wales, the elected board members were informed of their success.
Voting by IFP members had taken place during August and September and the IFP said it was the 'closest ever'.
The four new members are:
Richard Allum CFPCM, Paraplan Plus
Ian Howe CFPCM, Baigrie Davies
Chris Williams CFPCM, Ashcourt Rowan
Melony Holman CFPCM, Compliance and Training Services.
They will be replacing Neil Bailey CFPCM, Phil Billingham CFPCM, Jeremy Deedes CFPCM and Bruce Wilson CFPCM.
Nick Cann, chief executive of the IFP, said: "This was the closest run board election that I can remember and I thank all those members who took time out to vote. I'm delighted to welcome four such great new people on our board drawn from all quarters of our profession.
"Their excellent individual track records and experience in a range of different areas will be a great help to us in shaping the future of the Financial Planning profession."
Also at the AGM, Rebecca Taylor FIFP CFPCM from Dunham Financial was formally announced as the next IFP President, taking over from Marlene Shalton FIFP CFPCM. Her Vice–President will be Alan Dick CFPCM from FortyTwo Wealth Management.
The AGM was attended by around 50 delegates.
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