The latest packed issue of Financial Planning Today magazine, the professional choice, has been published.
The new magazine includes a wealth of articles and features for professional Financial Planners, Paraplanners and Wealth Managers, including exclusive content not available elsewhere and contributions from some of the leading voices in the sector.
Click the logo below to view a special preview:

Among the highlights in the latest issue:
• Stormy Times for the SIPP and SSAS sector - a special report by Paul Christian
• Paraplanner of the Year Kat Mock on how and why she set up her new firm Unity
• Planner Casebook by Lawrence King of Succession Wealth unravelling a difficult divorce case
• Leading Financial Planner Roger Kennedy on finding and retaining good clients
Plus, reports from the CISI Annual Financial Planning Conference and comment from John Moret, Keith Richards, Jacqueline Lockie, Julie Lord, Chloe Moran, Trevor Greetham, Fraser Donaldson and many more. Lots more too including our comprehensive DFM listings and professional body news.
You can click the button above to view a preview of the magazine. We also have a range of subscription options, including for our new print edition of the magazine if you want to view the publication in high quality print. Sign up today for our daily email newsletter as we'll be sending very special details soon of how to receive each issue of the magazine as it's published.
Subscription Packages and offers available include:
• Print + Digital Package - includes brand new bi-monthly Financial Planning Today Print Magazine, Unlimited Website Access, Digital version of Financial Planning Today Magazine and 3 Year Digital Magazine Archive. Special Offer: get 12 months for the price of 10 when you sign up now.
• Digital Only Package - includes Unlimited Website Access, our bi-monthly Financial Planning Today in a digital, page-turning version and the 3 Year Magazine Archive. Use code: JUST10 to get this £99 package for just £10 for the first 12 months. Offer ends next week.
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