Third Financial was acquired by Nucleus last year
Third Financial, part of the Nucleus platform group, has launched a white-labelled digital proposition for large advice firms.
It claims the automated platform will transform the way large advice firms and consolidators who want to launch an adviser as platform service manage their clients.
The portal is built on top of Third Financial’s Tercero software system, with the platform also integrating to Imago for illustrations.
Third Financial said the new portal reflects its commitment to delivering a “seamless experience” for both advisers and investment managers.
The new portal features:
- Access to a wide range of dynamic dashboards that visualise data across the business at a variety of different levels
- A full client onboarding journey that covers general investment accounts, ISAs, Junior ISAs, SIPPs and Offshore Bonds that supports multiple mandates in single wrappers
- An optional two-way integration with Intelliflo Office for client onboarding, valuations and fees
- Workflows such as rebalancing, withdrawals, contributions, model switches, Bed & ISAs and trading
- Automatic allocation and investment of new cash (including phasing) and automatic disinvestment for regular withdrawals
- A number of client enquiry tools such as performance analysis, CGT (including ‘what if’ scenarios), portfolio analysis and the production of branded client reports
Third Financial’s investment platform is currently used by over 60 firms, with the new portal already being used by Foster Denovo.
Nucleus acquired Third Financial last year, with the deal completing in July. It said the acquisition would expand its capability in the adviser as a platform space.
Nucleus Financial Platforms currently has more than £80bn of assets under administration for 250,000 customers and owns a number of subsidiaries including James Hay, Nucleus and SIPP provider Curtis Banks, a recent acquisition.
Third Financial provides an investment platform and wealth management software. It serves discretionary wealth managers, multi-family offices and adviser consolidators.