Orbis funds added to Standard Life platform

Global investment manager Orbis Investments has revealed that its OEIC Global Equity fund and the Orbis OEIC Global Balanced fund have now been added to the Standard Life Wrap platform.
Orbis has been serving institutional and high net worth individual investors for nearly 30 years.
In 2015 the Orbis OEIC was launched “to make the Global Equity and Global Balanced Strategies available to ordinary UK investors and their advisers”.
The firm says its growing presence on distribution platforms “highlights its long-term commitment to serving UK retail and intermediary clients”.
Dan Brocklebank, head of Orbis Investments in the UK, said: “We are delighted to be working with Standard Life, and by the growing interest that advisers have shown in the Orbis funds over the past four years.
“At Orbis, we strive to do a few things, and do them well.
“Standard Life is one of the most popular platforms in the UK among the IFA and wealth management industry and we are very pleased that our funds will now be accessible through this platform.”
In the past year, Orbis added its funds to four platforms: Nucleus, Zurich, Hubwise and now Standard Life Wrap, bringing the total number of platforms through which the funds can be accessed to 17.
Marcel Bradshaw, head of UK retail at Orbis, added: “Through our innovative fee structure, our focus is on value for money and it is pleasing to see that we are getting traction with advisers who are willing to think outside the box, and ‘invest differently’.
“Our availability on platforms such as Standard Life ensures we can now reach more advisers who welcome our commitment to aligning the interests of investment managers and retail investors.”
Orbis says it is one of the only fund managers in the UK to operate a refundable results-related fee; clients pay no ongoing charges and during periods of underperformance, performance fees are refunded.