The National Association of Pension Funds says the vast majority of its members are concerned by the uncertainty that will surround workplace pension schemes if Scotland votes yes in the independence referendum.
In a poll carried out by the NAPF 95% of members felt the outlook for workplace pensions in Scotland and the rest of the UK is not adequately clear.
Workplace pension schemes based only in Scotland also showed a high level of concern with 85% saying that they felt the outlook for pensions was insufficiently clear in case of a 'yes' vote for Scottish independence.
Respondents were asked to identify which of four topics require clarification most urgently in case of a 'yes' vote.
The area of most concern to all respondents was the regulatory regime (32%), closely followed by the issues of currency (31%), EU membership and regulatory implications (27%) and tax treatments (10%). Currency was the issue of greatest concern to members based only in Scotland (45%).
Joanne Segars, chief executive of the NAPF, said: "More than a quarter of a million employees in Scotland are actively saving in pension schemes run by NAPF members, and our members provide retirement income for 330,000 pensioners in Scotland – combined that's approximately 10% of Scotland's population.
"It is not the NAPF's role to influence the outcome of the referendum, but we do have an interest in representing our members' interests.
"And with less than 100 days to go until the Scottish independence referendum, it's clear that the vast majority of our members are concerned by the uncertainty that will surround workplace pension schemes if there is a 'yes' vote.
"It's difficult to recall a time when UK workplace pensions have had more to deal with.
"The introduction of automatic enrolment and the 2014 Budget have generated unprecedented change – some of which is still to be determined.
"If there is a 'yes' vote in Scotland we will be calling on both Governments to make sure these issues are clarified during the transition period that will follow and to commit to a subsequent three year grace period to allow pension schemes to implement any changes."