Protection challenger tests pilot products with 4 firms

Protection challenger Guardian is piloting its new life and critical illness proposition with four financial services firms: L&C, Paradigm, Sesame Bankhall and SimplyBiz.
The four firms will run a ‘test and learn’ pilot before phased roll-out of the products to the whole market in six weeks, says the company.
Guardian, due to launch this summer, has been established by Gryphon Group Holdings which bought the old Guardian protection name and has raised £180m in funding from the City. Gryphon Group Holdings is majority owned by Punter Southall. Leadenhall Capital Partners is a co-investor.
The pilot involves 60 adviser firms across the four distributor businesses.
The first firms came on board last month with the remainder of the 60 joining throughout July.
The pilot is expected to continue for a further 6 weeks to test Guardian’s technology and operational capabilities before it opens open to the wider market, says Guardian.
Andy Peters, Guardian distribution director, said: “Our proposition is about making life better for customers and advisers.
“Crucial to this is making sure each distribution partner and adviser firm has a good on-boarding experience and full support when they first start working with us.
“That’s why we’re running the pilot and also why we’re phasing our roll-out through the industry portals and with more product features added over time.”
Firms have begun submitting business with clients already on risk.
Martin Reynolds, chief executive of SimplyBiz Mortgages said: “Guardian aims to shake-up the market with their version of what life and critical illness should look like. At SimplyBiz Group, we particularly like their approach to overcoming the problem of probate delays, via Payout Planner.”
Jeff Woods, business development director of Sesame Bankhall Group, said: “We’ve all seen the industry’s positive reaction to Guardian’s fresh thinking.
“Sesame Bankhall Group are delighted to say we have supported Guardian through the development of their proposition and are pleased to be in a position to help them test the market prior to roll-out.”
Guardian Financial Services is an appointed representative of Scottish Friendly.