Wednesday, 21 May 2014 07:45
Sipps and SSAS providers meet to discuss critical issues

The Annual Conference of AMPS (the Association of Member-directed Pension Schemes) gets under way today (Weds 21 May) in London at a critical time for the sector, says chairman Neil MacGillivray.
The event takes place at the Hilton Paddington Hotel in London and will attract nearly 150 delegates who will debate some of the most challenging issues to face the sector in recent years.
These include the thematic review, capital adequacy and the threat from pension liberation as well as the impact of recent Budget changes.
Mr McGillivray said: "This year's conference will be even more topical and relevant than usual with the recent announcements in the Budget and the current issues of pension liberation and non-mainstream investments among many others.
"We have 145 attendees which underlines the interest and we're fortunate to have Nick Poyntz-Wright from the FCA hopefully giving us an update on the thematic review which is due out at the end of June and we also hope he will cover the response to the consultation on capital adequacy. It will be interesting to get an update on progress in those areas."
"We also have several discussion panels on pension liberation and a debate for or against permitted investment lists. It should be a very lively conference."
Among the sessions also included in a packed programme will be Retirement Wealth Planning – An IFA's view of drawdown and Individual Protection in 2014.
Other sessions taking place include Investment Due Diligence, A panel debate on Pension Liberation, Sipp and SSAS Market Updates, Platforms and a debate on Permitted Investment Lists.
AMPS is the leading trade association for Sipps and SSAS providers and represents the majority of the sector.
The event takes place at the Hilton Paddington Hotel in London and will attract nearly 150 delegates who will debate some of the most challenging issues to face the sector in recent years.
These include the thematic review, capital adequacy and the threat from pension liberation as well as the impact of recent Budget changes.
Mr McGillivray said: "This year's conference will be even more topical and relevant than usual with the recent announcements in the Budget and the current issues of pension liberation and non-mainstream investments among many others.
"We have 145 attendees which underlines the interest and we're fortunate to have Nick Poyntz-Wright from the FCA hopefully giving us an update on the thematic review which is due out at the end of June and we also hope he will cover the response to the consultation on capital adequacy. It will be interesting to get an update on progress in those areas."
"We also have several discussion panels on pension liberation and a debate for or against permitted investment lists. It should be a very lively conference."
Among the sessions also included in a packed programme will be Retirement Wealth Planning – An IFA's view of drawdown and Individual Protection in 2014.
Other sessions taking place include Investment Due Diligence, A panel debate on Pension Liberation, Sipp and SSAS Market Updates, Platforms and a debate on Permitted Investment Lists.
AMPS is the leading trade association for Sipps and SSAS providers and represents the majority of the sector.
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