The latest edition of Financial Planning Today magazine, our popular publication for Financial Planners, Paraplanners, Wealth Managers and IFAs, has been published and is available to read online.
You can view the latest issue of the bi-monthly magazine by clicking here:
Financial Planning Today's latest issue includes:
• Inside My Business with leading Financial Planner Damien Rylett of Brunel Capital Partners who explains why the firm has launched its own DFM
• The Client Hunter - tips and ideas on client retention from top Financial Planner Keith Churchouse who draws on decades of experience
• Planner Casebook - Chartered and Certified Financial Planner Phil Billingham looks at how to help the growing number of ‘world citizens'
• Plus columns from leading Financial Planner Julie Lord, PFS chief executive Keith Richards, CISI head of Financial Planning Jackie Lockie, outspoken Paraplanner Dan Atkinson and other key commentators.
The issues also includes:
• A 5 page Special Report on the latest developments in Sipps and SSAS
• Family Investment Companies are booming...we look at their rise and why now
• Comprehensive Investment and DFM section with 200 DFMs listed plus DFM update
You can view the latest issue by clicking here:
Subscribers to our daily e-newsletter received early access to the 40-page magazine last week. To subscribe to our daily newsletter enter your name and email address in the orange box on our home page or by entering your details below.
Our last issue was the most read ever with thousands viewing the issue so see your industry colleagues and peers are reading.
To view the latest issue click here: