Time running out for IFP Financial Planning Day early bookings
There are only four days left to qualify for an early-booking discount on tickets for the Institute of Financial Planning’s first Financial Planning Day.
The new session, sponsored by wrap platform Transact, will be held at The Brewery, London on 23 February. Tickets for the event cost £99 for IFP members and £138.60 for non-members. Once the early-booking period has passed, tickets will rise to £125 for members and £175 for non-members.
It will focus on the principles and practice of Financial Planning and the creation of a Financial Plan.
Suitable for Financial Planners and for Paraplanners, it will be open to everyone. Previously the IFP best practice workshops have only been available to IFP members.
Speakers include Robert Lockie FIFP CFPCM from Bloomsbury Financial Planning on Financial Planning assumptions, Richard Allum CFPCM from theparaplanner.com on cash flow modelling, Tina Weeks from Serenity Life Planning on life planning and Louise Oliver CFPCM and Claire Goodwin from Taylor Oliver on how a planner and Paraplanner can work together.
David Norton award winner Shane Mullins from Fiscal Engineers will be speaking about building trust and engagement with clients and John Neal from Business Coach will talk about coaching to confidence.
Sue Whitbread, communications director at the IFP said: “Our regional conferences have had very general content and as we move towards the RDR we’re really aiming to be making more focused sessions.”
She said the best practice workshops which had been run so far had had “really good feedback.”
To book tickets or for more information visit: http://www.financialplanning.org.uk/rates-and-bookings-1