Risk profiling software provider FinaMetrica is offering young Financial Planners and Paraplanners a chance to attend the prestigious Financial Planning Institute Annual Conference in South Africa.
FinaMetrica wants to help one of ‘tomorrow’s stars’ at one of its subscriber firms to attend the FPI convention in South Africa in October. It is putting up a prize of £2,000 to help them get there and meet much of the cost. The event takes place at the Century City Conference Centre in Cape Town from 18 to 20 October.
More than 1,000 financial professionals will be at the convention, which is staged in partnership with the global Financial Planning Standards Board, the international provider of the Certified Financial Planner qualification. In the UK, the CISI is the provider of the CFPTM designation.
The event will include top Financial Planning speakers from around the world including leading US planners Deena Katz and Harold Evensky. FinaMetrica’s Paul Resnik said: “It's a great opportunity to hear some world-leading speakers and make some great industry connections.”
A study tour for UK advisers has been put together by leading UK Financial Planner Phil Billingham from Perceptive Planning, to make it easier for UK professionals to take part. A number, including Marlene Outrim of Uniqu Family Wealth, have already signed up. The tour will include visits to South African Financial Planning Practices, as well as a bespoke ‘International’ forum, which Deena and Harold are also attending
Phil Billingham said: "There are two real reasons for this tour. Firstly, to explore how South African Planners are dealing with some of the same issues as us, but in a different context. And secondly, to interact with delegates from a range of other countries, sharing best practice and ideas. And all this in Spring in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It’s going to be a fabulous, but busy week’
Details of the FinaMetrica Sponsorship Prize are:
What: £2,000 contribution to study tour costs, to attend FPI Convention in South Africa in
October, 2017
Open to: Young Financial Planners and Paraplanners (under 25 years old as at 19th October 2017)
Criteria: The person must work for a FinaMetrica subscriber and write a research paper on investment suitability after the convention. The employer must be committed to supporting the person's attendance as part of their paid work role. The £2,000 is paid to the employer to support their effort.
Deadline for entries: Friday 25 August
How to apply:
The employer needs to write a short note to explain:
• Why they chose their nominee
• How their attendance will help the nominee and their firm
• That they are supporting the nominee's attendance
The nominee's CV and details should be sent to Paul Resnik, Finametrica founder at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 25 August. A winner will be announced on 1st September.
For more details about joining the study tour you can contact Phil Billingham at Perceptive Planning: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.