Gareth Rees CFPTM, Chartered MCSI partner at Accredited Financial Planning FirmTM Epoch Wealth Management, talks about how love played a part in setting him on the planning path.

The lowest price may not always be the best deal and that’s just as true of the platform sector as it is of any other - but how important are the other platform selection criteria?

Matthew Aitchison CFPTM Chartered MCSI, managing director of Clear Vision Financial Planning, deals with the case of a family who wanted to boost their quality of life and time spent together.

Plans for a “single clear definition of financial advice” were outlined in the Budget and the Financial Advice Market Review and it’s clear that steps will now be taken to achieve this aim, potentially a pivotal moment for the financial advice sector.

With a potential explosion in demand for drawdown due to next year's pension changes, Financial Planners must take action to ensure their review procedures are robust and personal recommendations safeguarded from complaints and regulatory action.
Tuesday, 06 January 2015 16:14

Technical Update: Retirement revolution

So will they buy Lamborghinis or long-dated gilts, diamonds or gold-plated drawdown plans? Quite how those approaching retirement from next April will adjust to the new retirement planning freedoms is the great unanswered question.
Veteran Financial Planner Jon Golding shares some tips about an overlooked opportunity for Financial Planners to do well by doing good. In a highly personal viewpoint, he suggests that an economy is only as strong as the quality of financial literacy and capability (FLC) of its people. 
Next year is set to be exciting but challenging for investors with a UK election, Eurozone troubles and the ending of global QE programmes. James Nadal asks some leading experts for their predictions.

Richard Watkins CFPCM explores the risks for a successful business owner concerned that if the business turns sour he has little to fall back on. Is he exposing his family to too much risk?

The wrap and platform market has experienced considerable upheaval over the last 24 months following the Retail Distribution Review, the move to clean share classes and the price wars of 2014. But will the pressure continue into 2015 and, if not, what can we expect to see? Nicola Brittain reports.
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