Bamford: FSCS must shun the ‘casino’ losers

I’ve only been to a casino once in my life. Perhaps fittingly for this story, it was during a business trip to Barcelona with life assurance company NPI, at the very start of my career. I walked into the Casino de Barcelona with a colleague, watched a gentleman lose several thousand pesetas on a spin of the roulette wheel, and promptly walked back out again, feeling a little nauseous at the speed and scale of the loss. James Bond, I’m not.


FSCS ‘explores’ compensation for LC&F mini-bond victims

The Financial Services Compensation Scheme has today launched a registration scheme for victims of the £236m failed mini-bond provider London Capital & Finance (LCF) as it “explores possible grounds for compensation.”


FSCS ‘sorry’ for failed £236m mini-bond confusion

The Financial Services Compensation Scheme has apologised to potentially misled clients of the failed London Capital and Finance (LCF) mini-bond.


FSCS keeps door closed to LC&F claims - for now


The Financial Services Compensation Scheme has reiterated today that its door is closed to claims against the £236m collapsed mini-bond firm London Capital & Finance - but it could review its stance.