Editor’s Column: Financial Planning Week deserves more support


Well done to all the Financial Planning firms who have been taking part in the CISI’s Financial Planning Week this week. I applaud your efforts. I just wish there were more of you.


Editor’s Column: Financial Planning Week has a new ally

In a sea of bad news there was a small island of cheerfulness this week, at least for the Financial Planning profession.


Editor’s Column: FCA right to tackle search engines


I was taken aback this week while watching the FCA’s virtual Annual Meeting by the strength of criticism by the FCA of Google and other search engines for failing to stem the tide of bogus financial advertising and the heartache and compensation bills that follow in its wake.


Editor’s Column: The WFH Financial Planning conundrum


To work from home, or not to work from home? - that is the question. It’s certainly a question many Financial Planners are wrangling with at the moment.