Editor’s Column: Poignant reminder of why planning matters

We’ve just published the latest issue of Financial Planning Today magazine, the sister publication to Financial Planning Today website. It contains some excellent features and content as ever but one poignant article in the magazine, a case study, reminded me of just how crucial Financial Planning can be.


Editor’s Column: Is Pension Freedoms roll-back under way?

News this week that the Government will press ahead with plans to push up the age for accessing the Pension Freedoms from 55 to 27 by 2028 will have surprised some and disappointed many.


Editor’s Column: RPI changes could hit pensions forever


Eagle-eyed Budget and Treasury watchers are well aware that what appear to be small or insignificant changes made by Chancellors or ministers can often have huge ramifications in subsequent years.


Editor’s Column: Mega-platform merger needs revamping


If you mention the acronyms FNZ, GBST and CMA to the average person on the Clapham Omnibus you would get a puzzled look and yet this story has profound implications for UK investors, for the platform sector and in reality for most of the UK population.