Guest Column: Why I welcome Schroders Financial Planning launch

The launch of a new Financial Planning firm, Schroders Personal Wealth (SPW), is exciting news and I believe new entrants to the financial advice market must be welcomed not feared, writes Simon Goldthorpe of Beaufort Group.


Mark Harman: Financial Planners must look at the bigger picture

Regardless of a client’s personal circumstances, they are likely to have concerns about their financial future.  As such, when clients seek financial advice for the first time, often their primary focus is on receiving guidance on how to invest money wisely, ensuring they get good returns for years to come.


Lester Petch: Wake up IFAs – hybrid robos are on the march

Robo-advisers are encroaching on IFAs more than ever before. How? By complementing their algorithms with human advisers. 


Warren Shute: How Planners can communicate better

After celebrating 23 years in Financial Planning this year, I realise there are some clients who you just get along with, you hit it off on day one and as far as you’re concerned, life is good. However, I am sure there are others who you struggle to really get to know? You just don’t have that same connection with! You could be speaking in different languages. Maybe you are?