Guest Column: Is it time to consider Centralised Retirement Propositions?

At first glance, how the Financial Conduct Authority intends to improve retirement outcomes for non-advised consumers may appear of little relevance to advisers. 


Keith Churchouse: "Is our world better 5 years after RDR?"

It is easy to forget that it has been over five years since the implementation of the then FSA’s Retail Distribution Review, or RDR for short, and indeed since their replacement by the now FCA’s regime in April 2013. So, is our world better five years on? I think the answer is very much a ‘yes’.


Chloe Moran: Time for a reboot on female Financial Planners?

Over the last few months I have increasingly been reading articles about efforts to encourage women into a career in Financial Planning. As more women are seeking financial advice, I think it’s important that the demographics of the industry mirror this, writes our guest columnist Financial Planner Chloe Moran who is studying to become a Chartered Financial Planner.


Guest Column: Businesses need better pension planning - Carty

Two years on from the introduction of Pension Freedoms, a new report finds many SME owners have unrealistic expectations of how much their pensions and businesses will contribute to their retirement, writes Clifton Asset Management’s Anthony Carty.