There are 32,690 retail investment advisers working in the UK post-RDR, according to the Financial Conduct Authority.
This is an increase from 31,132 at the end of December and the FCA said it believed the increase was attributable to advisers re-entering the market.
The FCA said the figures were "in line with expectations" forecast by the former Financial Services Authority.
The figures are broken down into 21,684 financial advisers, 4,604 bank or building society advisers, 2,267 stockbrokers, 1,784 discretionary investment managers, 2,221 'other' and 129 waivers. The number of financial advisers increased by 426 people.
Some 97 per cent of advisers have the appropriate level of qualification. The remaining three per cent are still studying as they have FCA-permitted extension to the deadline.
In 2010, less than half of advisers were qualified to RDR standard and by summer of 2012, 86 per cent were qualified.
Clive Adamson, director of supervision at the FCA, said: "Today's figures show that those looking for financial advice still have plenty of options open to them. What's more by establishing standards across the industry we are helping to build confidence by reassuring consumers and raising the profile of the adviser profession."
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