Chancellor Rishi Sunak's Spring Statement today may be severely tested in the months to come.

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Like many this week I was taken aback at the scale of the BSPS pension transfer scandal redress. It’s huge and just the tip of an iceberg.

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The Personal Finance Society has made a timely call for more ‘proportional’ regulation following the publication by the FCA of its new three year business strategy plan, which arrived recently along with news of some chunky fee increases.

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Thursday, 28 October 2021



Financial Planning clients are, mostly, demanding. They are, in the main, successful, professional people; often business owners or entrepreneurs.

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I must confess to having been rather negative about the so-called social media influencers or ‘finfluencers’ as some call them.

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As we’ve reported this week, some Unite union members at the FCA have staged a two day walkout, believe to be the first strike action in the regulator’s history.

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Want some good news for a change? SIPPs. Apart from the small number of toxic ones SIPPs, since their launch over three decades ago, have been a major and often unreported success story.

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One of the biggest problems with UK financial regulation is that it is reactive, not proactive.

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The dream of owning your own home is increasingly out of reach for least the pundits keep telling us that.

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The FCA has quietly signalled the end to its Covid-friendly policies of patience, extended deadlines and generally a lighter touch.

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