Quietly and gradually the FCA is changing and not before time. 

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I suspect more than a few lovers of red wine, myself included, winced when we heard the Chancellor planned to add the best part of 50p to a bottle.

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I am not surprised by the findings of a new survey which suggests that the over-50s are cold-shouldering robo advice.

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I was saddened this week, as I’m sure many of you were, to learn of the untimely death of veteran Financial Planner Carolyn Gowen at the relatively young age of 58, just a few months after she retired.

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Social media can be a curse as well as a blessing, as people are now realising.

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The FCA, finally, is putting on its big boots in an effort to intervene much sooner when it spots the regulatory bad boys trying to rip off savers.

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At last we finally know who was to blame for all the faults in the financial advisory sector over the past 20 years - it was the appointed reps all the time. Or was it?

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The Pension Freedoms were introduced in 2015 by Chancellor George Osborne and were hailed, at the time, as a “pensions revolution” and the biggest changes to pensions in a century.

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Picture the scene: a moderately busy suburban branch of a High Street bank in early 2015. A motor cycle courier arrives. He is carrying a large bin bag full of cash, the wads carefully wrapped.

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First things first: Happy New Year. I hope it’s a good one for you, your business and your clients.

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