Feature: How tech is driving Financial Planning efficiency
user7}{/mobile} Cash-flow modelling One technology constant throughout the history of Financial Planning has been cashflow modelling software and although there are a number of systems on the market many planners say that the main choice for them is...
Comprehensive conclusions for Cotswold collective
CFPCM. Using Paul Armson as a mentor he has embraced the 'three hats' approach to financial planning; lifestyle planning; cashflow analysis and implementation. The principal aim of the approach is to provide clients with the peace of mind to enable them...
Real life case study: Mark Brownridge of Mazars
this liability which was far in excess of what Mrs Walker had anticipated. Our Financial Planning team then undertook a cashflow modelling exercise, discussing with Mrs X her income and expenditure needs now and in the future. This concluded that the...
Welsh rugby legend in audience at IFP event
would almost be forgiven for thinking that with that line up the theme would be sports-related but today it was all about Cashflow Forecasting – a core element of the Financial Planning process. Andrew's presentation focussed on the timing, averaging...
Average Paraplanner earns £30k-£35k a year
are Chartered Financial Planners. Some 22% are working towards Level 6 qualifications. Other results showed that 79 % used cashflow modelling either personally or their firms used it. More than 100 Paraplanners attended the IFP Paraplanning Conference...
Accredited Financial Planning survey was 'valuable'
including adherence with a code of ethics and practice standards, following the six step Financial Planning process with cashflow planning as a default service, attaining qualification standards well ahead of the FCA required levels, providing clarity...
Prestwood unveils cloud-based Financial Planning modelling
with a promise that it would help free planners from the shackles of the desktop computer. The cloud-based lifetime cashflow modelling service is the same as the desk-based service but allows remote access via most devices including tablets and laptops....
IFP Accredited Firms look after £6.5bn of client assets - survey
including adherence with a code of ethics and practice standards, following the six step Financial Planning process with cashflow planning as a default service, attaining qualification standards well ahead of the FCA required levels, providing clarity...
IFP corporate member profile: Prestwood® Software
Software provides the leading UK Cashflow Modelling tool for Financial Planners, and has for almost thirty years. Our software is designed by Financial Planners, for Financial Planners.As a result, we are constantly innovating to help our customers meet...
Budget 2014: Major changes will spur need for Financial Planning
term implications of such decisions is essential. The process a Financial Planner takes clients through, which includes cashflow forecasting and various 'what if' scenarios, supports this understanding in a way that a single moment of time piece of...
Key IFP dates coming soon
day on Wednesday 30 April in the Midlands will focus purely on key elements of the Financial Planning process including cashflow planning, the Financial Planning proposition, assumptions, the Financial Planner and Paraplanner relationship and more....
Thesis ups bias towards value style investing as sentiment improves
an IFP corporate member focused on professional partnerships, had until recently concentrated on companies with strong cashflow that were paying out solid dividends, but recently has shifted to a 60-65% weighting towards value-style funds. Steven...
Wealth firm: splash cash now to soften inheritance tax blow
may be, your money is ultimately there to be enjoyed." Towry used the example of a couple in their 70s who, through cashflow modelling, were found to have over £1m in surplus funds and used these to pay for private school fees for their six...
Growing South Wales Branch enjoys tips and insights from leading 'dragons'
to take on a part-funded graduate. Finally, Richard Allum CFPCM delivered a challenging address about the importance of cashflow modelling within a financial plan. Richard was keen to explain that cashflow modelling is an art not a science. He placed...
Real life case study: Pete Matthew of Jacksons Wealth Management aids an abused spouse
she was determined to take her future into her own hands and work hard to secure a retirement for herself to enjoy. The cashflow modelling exercise she went through as part of the Financial Planning process took her from being convinced she wouldn't...
Real life case study: Damien Rylett helps a widow beset by tragedy
was evident that Joanna was more comfortable now that everything was in the UK. Work has now started to compile alifetime cashflow forecast for Joanna. This is something that we do for our clients as we believe it is the only way of ensuring the...
My Business: Tina Weeks of Serenity FP
and beliefs are around helping our clients to live the best life they can live; with no regrets. Life Planning, cashflow modelling and Financial Planning are core for us, supported by a low cost, buy and hold investment strategy with ongoing coaching....
Real life case study: Ian Thomas of Pilot Financial Planning
of several hundred thousand pounds in the previous financial year. It was growing at 20-30 per cent compound each year and cashflow was well-managed. Despite this, with capital required to invest in logistics software, warehousing and other...
Real life case study: Jonathan Orchard of Old Mill Group
whether he had a financial director in the company and whether they had a business plan which involved looking at company cashflow. He stated that this was the case and I began to explain to him the same reason a company looks into the future and plans...
Financial Planner 'free' surgeries proving a hit with public
the costs of drawdown, the flexibility including death benefits and the risks involved. We even ran a very simple cashflow forecast to show that taking maximum withdrawals would erode the fund to almost nothing. "At the end of the meeting, Mrs X clearly...