The South Wales branch of the IFP met on 25 June for its second of four scheduled gatherings per annum at the offices of Brewin Dolphin, Cardiff.
In June, the annual IFP Fellows' Day was held in Warwickshire. It was chaired jointly by Fellows Ian O'Connor FIFP, CFPCM and Francis Klonowski FIFP, CFPCM.
Over the summer months there have been some changes to IFP branch chairmen as is usual at this time of year.
I recently had the pleasure of presenting at the IFP's London practice management CPD workshop, writes Damien Rylett, managing director of Brunel Capital Partners.
In June, IFP's Thames Valley branch welcomed John Redwood MP, of Evercore Pan Asset, as their speaker on the subject of European economics.
There's now only a few weeks to go until the IFP conference so things are very busy here at IFP HQ. It's our flagship event and the highlight of the IFP calendar.
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Later this year, Rachel Weihs, the IFP's membership manager, will be taking a sabbatical to volunteer abroad working with children and animals.
The IFP has recently launched "Wayfinder", a new consumer brand which it will use to help consumers understand the importance and benefits of Financial Planning.
The IFP team has been pleased to see the positive response from members and stakeholders from across the profession to changes made in June to the IFP brand.
It was good to see fresh faces eager to start the CFPCM professionals conference before the 9am start, reports IFP chief operating officer Steve Gazzard CFPCM.
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