Friday, 13 June 2014 15:22

IFP corporate member profile: Partnership

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People with health and lifestyle issues which could affect their life expectancy deserve more from financial products at retirement. At Partnership, we see retirement differently from the standard providers and use our underwriting expertise to offer you, and your clients, a better deal.
Henderson Global Investors is proud to be a corporate member of the Institute of Financial Planning. Our mission is to be a trusted global asset manager focused on delivering excellent performance and service to clients.
The Association of Investment Companies (AIC) adviser website offers detailed information and resources to expand and refresh advisers' planners' and paraplanners' knowledge of closed-ended investment companies.
Tuesday, 13 May 2014 15:13

IFP corporate member profile: NS&I

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NS&I continues to work on modernising our business, with our new banking system allowing your clients to manage their NS&I investments online and by phone. This includes having a 'portfolio view' of their NS&I accounts and investments.
Paraplanners are an integral part of successful Financial Planning firms, whether in-house or outsourced, and ensuring they have the opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge to deliver excellence in client service is essential.

Monday, 12 May 2014 16:27

November date set for Financial Planning Week 2014

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The seventh UK Financial Planning Week takes place from Monday 24 November. All IFP members are asked to consider how they can get involved this year in this powerful consumer awareness campaign.
Monday, 12 May 2014 16:20

IFP President: Being proactive is key

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And breathe..... So another tax year ends, but is it a stressful occasion or do the 2 tax years pass seamlessly together without a murmur in your office?
Monday, 12 May 2014 16:18

Amanda Watson Joins IFP Team

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Amanda Watson has joined the IFP team as Executive Assistant to Steve Gazzard, CEO of IFP.
During February and March the IFP conducted its first benchmarking survey of Accredited Financial Planning FirmsTM.
Monday, 12 May 2014 16:11

50 shades of green at Bath IFP branch meeting

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The Bath branch held its second meeting of the year in February at its new location courtesy of former IFP corporate members and good hosts Novia Financial reports branch chairman Andrew Page CFPCM.
Monday, 12 May 2014 16:09

Financial Planners share their views on camera

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Is Financial Planning different to financial advice? This was just one of the questions asked during a series of film interviews which were conducted by IFP communications director Sue Whitbread with leading Financial Planners at the IFP's Accredited Financial Planning Firms' Conference in March.

In a change to the published programme, Leeds branch held a round table discussion on cash flow forecasting reports branch chairman Murray McEwan CFPCM.
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