As well as having a new branch chairman in Ed Green CFPCM of Close Brothers Asset Management, Bristol branch also has a new venue for its meetings this year - the IFP offices in Redcliff Street, Central Bristol.
Wednesday, 05 March 2014 14:42

New year, new branch chairmen

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January was a great month for attendance at Branch Meetings across the UK, with more and more IFP members realising the value of attending sessions.
Wednesday, 05 March 2014 14:37

Hostage crisis negotiator captures IFP members' attention

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The London branch meeting took on a rather different tone as 65 or so members spent an hour with an hostage negotiator – well, except that no one was taken hostage and we were all there of our own free will, reports co-chairman Abraham Okusanya CFPCM.

At the January Chester and North Wales Branch Meeting, all thoughts were on the year ahead.
January's announcement that Joanna Hague CFPCM of Investment for Life had become the 1000th practicing CFP Professional in the UK was a significant milestone for both the IFP and the Financial Planning profession.
IFP has extended its team handling events and training to cope with increasing demand for services.
Wednesday, 05 March 2014 14:17

IFP President expects increase in CFP exam attempts

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A Happy New Year to you all. I know it's very late to say this but I haven't written it in my column yet, and there is still plenty of the year left yet, writes IFP President Rebecca Taylor.
Wednesday, 05 March 2014 14:17

IFP President expects increase in CFP exam attempts

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A Happy New Year to you all. I know it's very late to say this but I haven't written it in my column yet, and there is still plenty of the year left yet, writes IFP President Rebecca Taylor.
Friday, 28 February 2014 16:23

Morningstar Investment Conference 2014

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13/14 May sees the Morningstar Investment Conference return to the Park Plaza Riverbank Hotel in London.
Saturday, 01 March 2014 16:15

IFP welcomes new independent board director

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The IFP board has appointed Ian Leech as its second 'independent' director with effect from December 2013.
Saturday, 08 March 2014 09:00

Key IFP dates coming soon

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Financial Planning day
The Financial Planning day on Wednesday 30 April in the Midlands will focus purely on key elements of the Financial Planning process including cashflow planning, the Financial Planning proposition, assumptions, the Financial Planner and Paraplanner relationship and more. Financial Planners and other experts will share what works for them and their businesses, giving practical insight and ideas that will help to boost your business success too. It'll be a day packed full of useful tips and actionable ideas about Financial Planning, designed to make your business even better.

Exclusive Paraplanner conference
The IFP Paraplanner conference makes a welcome return on 22 May. It's now a fixture in many Paraplanners' calendars and provides an opportunity for them to focus on the topics and issues most relevant to them. And it's the perfect forum for Paraplanners to network with others in similar roles. Sessions will be a mix of keynote, optional and interactive sessions. They'll be a dinner the night prior so delegates can relax ahead of the busy day ahead and they'll be an interactive exhibition. Early booking is recommended as this one is always popular.

CFPCM professionals' conference
The format of last year's CFPCM professionals' conference was extremely well received and it's therefore set to be repeated this year. The conference is taking place at Chesford Grange in Warwick on Thursday 12 June following a dinner the night before. The day will be split into sections covering communication, practice management and technical topics. Experts will lead high level, interactive sessions and at the end of the day there will round table information sessions where the delegates have the opportunity to discuss key issues with the experts from the day and each other. You can be sure of content appropriate and relevant to CFP professionals. It's a must for all CFP professionals.
Tuesday, 14 January 2014 16:53

IFP corporate member profile: Standard Life

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The FCA's PS 13/1 included the recognition that platforms are not "ancillary to the activity of managing investments for the retail client".
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