Monday, 13 January 2014 17:07

Bank of England exec to address Surrey

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For 2014, Surrey Branch members will be welcoming two new branch chairmen who will be sharing the honours as Keith Churchouse CFPCM and Simon Hewitt of Chapters Financial are taking over from Wesley Harrison CFPCM.
The last meeting of Northern Ireland Branch members for 2013 took place in November, with guest speaker Gavin Francis of Worthstone. Gavin covered Social Impact Investing, reports branch chairman Robert Stephenson CFPCM.
IFP Cotswold branch met in October on the theme of Sustainable Investing, reports Diane Weitz CFPCM.
The rapidly growing South Wales IFP Branch enjoyed a wide range of speakers at its last meeting of 2013, held in November.
In October I was fortunate enough to attend the inaugural Financial Planning Association of Australia's congress in Sydney, reports Rebecca Taylor FIFP, CFPCM, IFP President.
Monday, 13 January 2014 16:44

Going mobile provides a new dimension for IFP site

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Relocating the IFP office at the start of the year provided an excellent opportunity to review the brand identity of the IFP, reports marketing manager Ryan Haylock. 
The IFP was delighted to see the fantastic efforts made by so many planners during the sixth Financial Planning Week campaign which took place in late November.
Circulated with this issue of Financial Planner is your copy of the IFP branch programme for 2014. Now is the time to check out what's happening at your local branch and put the dates in your diary.
Monday, 13 January 2014 16:39

IFP Board aims to give IFP members more value in 2014

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The IFP senior management team met with the IFP Board for its annual two day strategy meeting on Sunday and Monday in early December to discuss strategic plans for all aspects of IFP services.
Thursday, 09 January 2014 16:46

IFP corporate member profile: Aberdeen

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Aberdeen Asset Management aims to deliver superior fund performance
Aberdeen is a pure asset management company and only manages assets for third parties, allowing us to focus solely on their needs. We now manage £209.6 billion of third party assets from our offices around the world as at 30 June 2013.
Thursday, 09 January 2014 16:12

IFP corporate member profile: Seven Investment Management

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Astrology is no basis for financial decisions but the financially positive Year of the Snake (2013) certainly proved helpful for most.
Monday, 11 November 2013 16:38

Important to check and keep CPD records

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As an accredited body, the IFP knows the importance of keeping accurate CPD records.
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