Wednesday, 28 November 2012 11:56

IFP Sponsor Profile: JP Morgan

The introduction of the RDR and the move to fee-based financial advice from January 2013 means that advisory firms need to ensure that the services they offer match the services that consumers are willing to pay for.
The 7th Annual Morningstar Investment Conference, which will be held in association with the IFP, will take place at the Park Plaza Riverbank Hotel, London on 14-15 May 2013.
With new CPD requirements applying from 2013, it's more important than ever to make sure that Financial Planners work out an effective personal development plan as part of their overall training and competence scheme.
In September, Bristol branch welcomed four excellent speakers from the national law firm Clarke Willmott, their long-standing branch sponsor.
Wednesday, 28 November 2012 11:49

Social media knowledge in Manchester

The Manchester branch welcomed Andrew Neligan CFPCM from Informed Choice as its speaker in September.
Wednesday, 28 November 2012 11:46

Bath branch shares Paraplanning ideas

Bath branch welcomed respected Paraplanner Martin Vaughan CFPCM to speak at their September meeting, which shared ideas on how the use of Paraplanners can be maximised within firms.
The East Midlands IFP Branch September meeting showed a further marked increase in attendance, which branch chair Gini Bolton CFPCM is hoping to build on further during 2013.
Next month sees the fifth annual Financial Planning Week campaign organised by the IFP. The campaign aims to help raise awareness of Financial Planning directly with consumers across the UK.
Planning at IFP HQ is well under way for the 2013 programme of events.
The IFP's final event of the year takes place on 19 and 20 November when leading Financial Planners from all over Scotland and the North will gather in Edinburgh for the popular Scottish Conference.
Scotland branch were delighted to welcome Abbie Tanner from A Business Innovation and Jeremy Brett CFPCM from Brett Investment Limited to their September meetings.
For the third time this year London branch ran a meeting of two halves, reports outgoing London branch chairman Dennis Hall.
In September, IFP welcomed two new members of staff to its team at Whitefriars in Bristol.
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