The IFP held its inaugural ethics conference last Thursday, looking at the topic of Managing Conflicts of Interest.

I thought I’d take the opportunity in this month’s column to highlight some of the changes that the IFP will be making to its qualifications over the next year.

THE IFP’s Manchester branch welcomed another bumper attendance for the appearance of the internationally-renowned George Kinder as the speaker at its March meeting.

THE Institute of Financial Planning group on the networking site LinkedIn has welcomed its 1000th member.
The IFP’s first exclusive Paraplanner conference takes place in Leicestershire on 25 May.
The IFP has been working with Calibrand recently on the Certificate in Paraplanning.  Calibrand delivers the examinations via their online system.  
A key objective of IFP is to help raise awareness about the benefits of Financial Planning with the general public.

At its annual conference, the Institute of Financial Planning welcomed as its new President Marlene Shalton FIFP CFPCM of Bluefin Wealth Management.

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