Nicola Watts: Marking 25 years of Financial Planning

It’s been an exciting couple of months at Jane Smith Financial Planning.


Nicola Watts: A more diverse Financial Planning profession

As a firm, I’m delighted that my firm has this month signed up to the Women in Finance Charter, committing to supporting the progression of women into senior roles.


Nicola Watts: Tracking the value of Financial Planning

We’re currently working on how we can demonstrate and track the value we add for our clients – although we know we add value, it’s difficult to put numbers to without some serious spreadsheet activity.


Nicola Watts: Financial Planning fees are confusing for clients

A recent experience with a prospective client really brought home to me how confusing adviser charges must be for Joe Public. With so many companies offering so many different services and with such varying charges, how are clients really able to compare charges and what they’re going to get for those charges?