Nicola Watts: The power of Financial Planning

A recent meeting with a client really brought it home to me the impact that we, as Financial Planners, can have on our clients.


Nicola Watts: Why goal-setting is critical in Financial Planning firms

Well, who can believe that we’re already two weeks into 2019, and if the new year is going to continue at this pace, we’ll be at Christmas again, we’ll be wondering where the year went and why didn’t we get done all the things that we hoped to achieve.


Nicola Watts: Celebrate what you've achieved

Like many of you, I’m sure, there is always a never-ending “to do” list of things that need to be done – work for clients, regulatory and compliance demands and plenty of work to be done on building and developing the business. 


Nicola Watts: Financial Planning is a sharing community

Last week I attended the CISI Financial Planning Annual Conference and this week, as part of my duties as branch president of our local CISI branch, I was delighted to help in the hosting of a round-table discussion.