Watts: Beginning of end for Certified Financial Planner?

I wrote early in 2017 about my hopes for the industry, and touched on unifying Financial Planning and Paraplanning communities, and how any future merger of the PFS and the CISI might give Paraplanners a voice.


Nicola Watts: Financial Planners face FCA red tape nightmare

As the owner of a small financial planning practice I have been asking myself how on earth is a small business going to cope with a looming bureaucratic red tape nightmare?


Nicola Watts: Rising need for Paraplanners to gain FCA authorisation

In the first of her new columns for Financial Planning Today, Chartered Financial Planner Nicola Watts APFS discusses the problem with recruiting Paraplanners with the right skills and experience and explains how fundamental a role she sees them playing in coming years.


'Most Paraplanner candidates didn’t technically hit mark'

The director of a Financial Planning practice says most candidates she recently considered for a Paraplanning job failed to “hit the mark technically” and were unable to apply knowledge to a real life scenario.