Nicola Watts: Farage's investment ideas are 'scary'

We have just witnessed another successful Financial Planning Week, and it was great to see the PFS joining the CISI for the first time in promoting this.


Nicola Watts: Will Covid result in mass adviser exodus?

There’s been much written over the past couple of days about a survey and report, compiled by CoreData, into the impact of Covid-19. 


Nicola Watts: What Covid-19 has forced us to do

It’s been on our “to do” list for months, maybe even a couple of years. We’ve deliberated over what it should look like, what it should do and how we would use it.  We’ve looked at no end of options out there and we’ve completed the due diligence. 


Financial Planner holds staff 'away day' in a garden

A Financial Planning firm has taken advantage of the loosening of lockdown rules to hold its half yearly away-day staff meeting in a garden.