Guest Column: Vulnerable clients need protection

It was good to see the Guidance Consultation from the FCA on the fair treatment of vulnerable clients that has recently been published.


Guest Column: SM&CR deadline is catalyst for positive change

Since the 2008 financial crisis, regulators have held many firms to account for failings, but very few individuals. The Senior Managers & Certification Regime (SM&CR) was introduced to address this.


Editor’s Comment: A shiver down planners' spines


Financial Planning Today’s story this week revealing that more than 600 ‘ambulance chaser’ firms had applied to the FCA for authorisation will have sent shivers down the spine of many planners, IFAs and wealth managers.


Guest Column: Retirement Outcomes Review just the start

The FCA’s recent Retirement Outcomes Review was a very welcome and thought-provoking paper. The report will result in a number of changes for the industry and it will be interesting to see which direction the FCA goes in its final review.