Editor’s Comment: Are bad apples spoiling Financial Planning?

Financial Planners and advisers sometimes believe themselves to be part of an entirely honourable profession. The facts suggest otherwise but are a few bad apples ruining the whole bunch?


Editor’s Comment: More to do on pension scams after ban

Crooks will always target pensions - that's a given - but that should not deter us from applauding the significant progress made this week in tackling scammers with a new law banning pension cold calling.


Dan Atkinson: Surround yourself with people who strive

As you might have guessed from previous blogs I think we have some excellent people in our profession. These people are passionate about getting the best outcomes for their clients, but also find time to encourage others along. There are no monopolies on good ideas and more than enough potential clients to go around. Passionate people attract each other and form collaborations.


Mark Harman: Financial Planners must look at the bigger picture

Regardless of a client’s personal circumstances, they are likely to have concerns about their financial future.  As such, when clients seek financial advice for the first time, often their primary focus is on receiving guidance on how to invest money wisely, ensuring they get good returns for years to come.