Lester Petch: Wake up IFAs – hybrid robos are on the march

Robo-advisers are encroaching on IFAs more than ever before. How? By complementing their algorithms with human advisers. 


Dan Atkinson: What is the purpose of Financial Planning?

What exactly is the purpose of Financial Planning? How do we represent it to the public? Why should they feel compelled to engage and pay fees for it? What is the value? I’m not going to go deeply philosophical on you – don’t worry! But what is it that we do? What purpose – economic, social, or other – do we serve? If we aren’t clear in our own minds how can we help clients to realise the importance of what we do.


Warren Shute: How Planners can communicate better

After celebrating 23 years in Financial Planning this year, I realise there are some clients who you just get along with, you hit it off on day one and as far as you’re concerned, life is good. However, I am sure there are others who you struggle to really get to know? You just don’t have that same connection with! You could be speaking in different languages. Maybe you are?


Editor’s Comment: Why Financial Planning Week needs a boost

I am always impressed by how much Financial Planners do year round to help consumers. They give up free time and sometimes work time to help consumers understand the benefits of Financial Planning in its widest sense on a pro bono basis and, indeed, many give up their time and often their cash to volunteer in their local communities. It's a generous profession.