Dan Atkinson: Bringing the Powwow to our team meetings

For 2019 I’ve started incorporating a little of the Paraplanner Powwow essence in our team meetings. At the Powwows, people who work on their own or in a small team can learn from others. It’s a sharing environment that not only wants to share good practice, but also get things fixed! A key characteristic is that when we meet up it is a ‘safe space’ where all contribute – not just the wizened owls.


Editor’s Comment: Why auto-enrolment faces risks ahead

Pensions auto-enrolment has been one of the few, consistent bright spots in the UK pensions market over the past decade. But with higher contributions on the way soon the DWP will need to keep a close eye to ensure that the wheels on the trolley don’t come off.


Editor’s Comment: Has a gap in regulation left 14,000 adrift?



A worrying case reported on last week by Financial Planning Today and widely read will reverberate for some time to come - and not in a good way.


Editor’s Comment: Ticking off for regulators is a sticking plaster

The lessons from the British Steel Pension Scheme debacle will reverberate for a long time but I wonder if the recent criticism of the regulators is just another knee-jerk response to a financial mess which could well be repeated.