Eighteen months ago PIMFA refurbished our offices in City Road, necessitating a six-week work-from-home programme for our entire team. 

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We will soon know if higher and top rate pensions savings tax relief is cut in the Budget. The Treasury says this would save £10bn per year and justify it on the grounds of fairness.  This justification is flawed.

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As we head towards another Budget and tax year end, we are yet again considering the impact that the Pension Freedoms are having on those retiring now and in the future.

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It is human nature that when we are asked to give an opinion or to answer a question that what we say in response has positive connotations, that is we want to be able to help and where possible give good news, writes Certified Financial Planner and Chartered Wealth Manager John Rook. 

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It won’t have escaped the attention of those of us in the industry that the Financial Conduct Authority has made changes to the FCA Register, removing the name of all those in customer facing roles (except where they hold a senior management function).   

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It may have escaped your notice but the end of February marks the 30th anniversary of the first SIPP being established.

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Although I fell into Financial Planning by chance, as soon as I understood the profession and the various roles I knew that my goal was to be a Financial Planner.

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Now that I have reached the end of week four of working from home, I have been able to reflect on this time. There are things that I miss (colleagues) and things that I don’t (Thameslink). 

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Over the past few months, I have seen and heard various people talking about the things that have helped them through these challenging times as the world as we know it changes around us.

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I've had many conversations with Financial Planners and explained the importance of niche marketing, along with all of the benefits of picking a particular type of client to work with.

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