Our business has a head office in Cranleigh, Surrey, which is the largest village in England; at least it's one of several in England claiming to be the largest. 

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What a week! Comic book fans might be forgiven for thinking we’ve woken up in Bizarro World. Life is not quite normal right now. Read more ...

As we near the end of the second decade of the 21st century, it’s fair to say the technological advances so far this century have been astonishing.

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I love this time of year. It’s a time for reflection and opportunity. It’s a time for resolutions and goal setting, with January viewed by many as a clean slate.

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It’s been quite a year for me in my quest to apply life planning technology to civilisation.

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On 2 April, I celebrated my 72nd birthday. It was a joyful day with my wife and daughters spent at our rustic New England home overlooking a pond. 

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Is it possible to do Life Planning online and from home? Definitely, yes!

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I’m back from a short break and while I was away a lot has happened: a general election has been called, Brexit has been postponed once again and Woodford has pretty much collapsed and been subject to a BBC Panorama investigation.

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A new report out today from the FCA and The Pensions Regulator has thrown up some disturbing findings and also blown out of the water the myth that only the poorly educated and vulnerable are the victims of the pension scammers.

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If you are a Financial Planner, millennials - those aged roughly 18-38 - are potentially the next big client target group…but there’s a problem.

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