I’ve always believed that when it comes to investing you should get what you pay for. If you buy an actively-managed fund you expect a smart human (and his or her friends) to be taking some wise decisions with your money. The personal touch, if you like.

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In these days of remote working, video calling and cloud computing, it suprises me that actually getting together with other finance professionals remains not just popular but increasingly so.

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Bristol-based Financial Planning firm Paradigm Norton became the latest firm this week to launch its own academy, this time a twist on the more general initiatives with a ‘Leadership Academy’ in partnership with University of the West of England.

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The euphoria following a landslide election victory is probably not the best time to make long-term investment decisions and I’m sure many planners will have treated today as business as usual, partly because many of the fundamentals are the same as last week.

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The appointment of Andrew Bailey as the new Bank of England Governor today came as little surprise but it does open to door to opportunities for a new direction for the FCA.

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Just before Christmas I suggested that the FCA needed a new direction post-Bailey. It may already have found one although it is clearly not the direction everyone wants.

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I was reminded this week that Financial Planning is much more of a profession than a business by the latest Charles Stanley results.

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The FCA’s long awaited DB transfer review was published today with, seemingly, a ban on contingent charging which turns out to be not a complete ban after all.

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A new poll of Personal Finance Society members suggests nearly 90% of Financial Planners will never return to the way they worked before the pandemic.

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It’s been an exciting couple of months at Jane Smith Financial Planning.

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