East Midlands IFP members met on 11 September and were very fortunate in having two excellent speakers – both very different, but each very interesting around their particular subject, writes Gini Bolton CFPCM. Read more ...
Being innovative and creative to help distinguish yourself (and your business) from the crowd is a challenge facing many Financial Planners. Bringing the Financial Planning process to life from a client's perspective is a key component in demonstrating added value and in increasing planner profitability. Read more ...
Attempting CFPCM qualification is hugely valuable as it teaches a process which allows planners to consistently deliver life-changing financial advice, reports Murray McEwan CFPCM.
Like anything valuable it comes at a cost, in terms of time, commitment and money. In September, the IFP's Leeds branch invited CFPCM certification trainer Neil Price CFPCM to help us understand more about it and give us his top tips for approaching the exam.
Neil began with the encouragement that he does not consider himself to be academic yet he passed the qualification. He suggested that if he can do it anyone can with the right preparation and approach. This was good to hear since for some the thought of an exam with the same degree of difficulty as an honours degree can be somewhat daunting.
Neil explained that from this year, to bring the qualification
Neil Price : CFP certification trainer
into line with the international standards, it now has two components: a new 2-hour Principles of Financial Planning exam, plus the case study itself.
Neil underlined that exam technique plays a big part in the new exam. In particular, time management and learning to set out your answers in the prescribed format are essential. 
These were key points:
  • Plan your time carefully – Plan to do little and often and approach things in a systematic order;
  • Read the case study itself 3 times to pick out all the salient points;
  • Back up your assumptions with research (ONS for inflation etc);
  • Set out recommendations logically: define the client's objective, work out their existing benefits, analyse gaps and propose a solution;
  • Write the plan as if writing to a client not the examiner and get someone outside of the profession to read it.
The session promoted some good discussion and underlined for us that while CFPCM certification continues to be the gold standard qualification for financial planners, it is potentially within most Financial Planners' grasp (it just takes a bit of planning!).
In September IFP's Scotland branch welcomed IFP Ethics Committee chairman Andrew Brook Dobson CFPCM and Justin Urquhart Stewart of 7IM as their speakers. Read more ...
Next month sees the sixth annual Financial Planning Week campaign organised by the IFP. The campaign aims to help raise awareness of Financial Planning and the benefits of professional advice directly with consumers across the UK. Read more ...
The recent IFP conference, an event for us all to be proud of, marked the first year of my Presidency which has just flown by. I have experienced so much more than I would have imagined only a year ago as I explained to delegates in my conference speech. Read more ...
Plans for the IFP's consumer awareness campaign Financial Planning Week, which takes place from 25 November -2 December, are well underway. Read more ...
The South Wales branch of the IFP met on 25 June for its second of four scheduled gatherings per annum at the offices of Brewin Dolphin, Cardiff. Read more ...
In June, the annual IFP Fellows' Day was held in Warwickshire. It was chaired jointly by Fellows Ian O'Connor FIFP, CFPCM and Francis Klonowski FIFP, CFPCM. Read more ...
Over the summer months there have been some changes to IFP branch chairmen as is usual at this time of year.
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