At Legal & General Investments (L&GI), we understand that passive investing, or index-tracking, is likely to become an increasingly important part of a retail client's portfolio in a post-RDR world. Read more ...
The latest platform figures from Fundscape show that the market grew 23 per cent to £213 billion in 2012 helped by a stock market rally and a surge in business towards the end of the year. Read more ...
Without any doubt there are lots of very good Financial Planning firms, but what does it take to go that step further and become a great one? In this post-RDR world, if you're ready for the challenge then you should be entering this year's David Norton Building Excellence Award. Read more ...
When did you last read the IFP Code of Ethics? As a member, you agree to work in accordance with its principles so it's important you know what these are. Read more ...
For their February meeting, Northern Home Counties branch members played host to two very different speakers creating much interest and excitement, reports Chris Bowmer CFPCM. Read more ...
At their January meeting, Surrey branch members were delighted to welcome Lee Warren, the renowned magician and director of Invisible Advantage, reports branch chairman Wesley Harrison CFPCM.
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Have you ever wonder why some IFP members are always being quoted in the press while others can't get a look in?
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The IFP's Annual Conference is renowned within Financial Planning and it is once again taking place at the 5 Star Celtic Manor Resort, this year from 30 September to 2 October. Read more ...
Supporting the work of the IFP staff is a large number of experts who give their time freely to further develop the profession of Financial Planning. Read more ...
This year, for the sixth time, the IFP will be running its consumer-focused annual Financial Planning Week. Read more ...
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