June's well-attended Birmingham branch meeting welcomed Tim Hale of Albion Consulting and Malcolm Murray, who is soon to retire from platform provider Transact. Read more ...
In June, Leeds branch held a fascinating meeting entitled: "A day in the life of a Paraplanner", reports branch chairman Murray McEwan CFPCM. Read more ...
June's meeting for the IFP's East Midlands branch combined pensions with superheroes, reports branch chairman Gini Bolton CFPCM. Read more ...
We're looking forward to seeing lots of IFP members at this year's IFP annual conference, writes Katherine Morgans, the IFP's events director, who heads up the team organising this flagship event. Read more ...
The latest FCA platform paper has effectively signalled the end for cash rebates. This is a significant, if not unexpected change to the industry and one we support as we believe it will bring much needed transparency to the UK platform market. Read more ...
Digital and social media represents a significant opportunity for Financial Planning businesses to increase engagement and promote their brand which is so important in the post-RDR era. Read more ...
In late 2012, the global Financial Planning Standards Board partnered with Cerulli Associates to survey CFPCM professionals worldwide. IFP communications director Sue Whitbread
reports on the findings. Read more ...
This summer, there are 13 IFP branches where the chairmanship is up for re-election. Read more ...
Scotland Branch was fortunate to welcome two excellent speakers in April, reports branch chairman Nicola Coates CFPCM. Read more ...
A record attendance for the South West Branch (at least under my chairmanship) of 20 members gathered in Exeter in May to hear two excellent, practical sessions, as well as to share stories and best practice with each other, reports chairman Pete Matthew CFPCM. Read more ...
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