Are you getting the content you would like from your local IFP branch? If you've got any suggestions for speakers or topics that you think should be included, now is your chance to shape the agenda for 2014. Read more ...
While a summer meeting probably proved an error in terms of numbers of attendees, those sad souls with no summer holiday to go to were treated to an excellent meeting in Milton Keynes in July, reports branch chairman Chris Bowmer CFPCM. Read more ...
In hindsight, I might not have put on an event in the middle of the summer, especially during a heatwave but it just goes to show that a good topic and speaker will always draw in the crowds, reports chairman Wesley Harrison CFPcm. Read more ...
The IFP has finished its rebrand and redesign of its member website Read more ...
(From October issue) Following the appointment of three new IFP branch chairmen in the summer, Milton Gordon of Milton Gordon and Co in Henley on Thames, has been appointed as the branch chairman for the IFP's Thames Valley branch from January 2014. Read more ...
(From October issue) On 5 September, the IFP's hard working and dedicated branch chairmen met for their annual meeting in Solihull.
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Given that 2013 has seen perhaps the biggest regulatory change to retail financial advice for a generation, in its 2013 members' survey, the IFP took the opportunity to gauge what impact the RDR has had to date on members and their firms. Read more ...
As an accredited body, the IFP knows the importance of keeping accurate CPD records.
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The IFP has always been a strong supporter of Paraplanners and Paraplanning. Read more ...
Bristol Branch welcomed three speakers to cover three different aspects of planning and advice for elderly and vulnerable clients at its September meeting. Read more ...
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