The FPSB UK Diploma in Financial Planning has been recognised by Ofqual and sits on the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) at Level 6. Read more ...
Morningstar's primary corporate value is: investors come first. We provide innovative resources to the Financial Planners that serve them. For that, we've become a trusted name in independent data and research. Read more ...
Architas is a leading investment company that draws on rich in-house research to deliver multi-manager solutions. Read more ...
Since its launch back in 2008, the David Norton Award has firmly established itself as the "one to win" when it comes to the plethora of awards that exist across the Financial Planning profession. Read more ...
The IFP invites applications from teams of up to four students who are studying at any UK university to enter the 2013 University Team Challenge competition.
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In February, the IFP held the first of its new CPD workshops for members with a detailed look at the important area of retirement planning. The programme contained six hours of structured CPD. Read more ...
It was a pleasure to catch up with the Financial Planning Standards Board (FPSB) European forum in Frankfurt this February, writes IFP chief executive Nick Cann. Read more ...
Bath branch kicked off 2013 in style, welcoming South West branch chairman Pete Matthew CFPCM as part of his "world tour" in January, reports Andrew Page CFPCM. Read more ...
At their January meeting, the first sponsored by Investec, Cotswolds branch members heard firstly from Jim Wood-Smith, Investec's head of investment strategy. Read more ...
I was lucky enough to see Dr Maria Nemeth's presentation at IFP's Paraplanner conference in 2011, and found her a source of inspiration, reports Jane Holt, Paraplanner and director with Mackenzie Financial Planning in Bury. Read more ...
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